1:1 Program
Mission and Vision
With advances in technology occurring at unprecedented rates, our goal as a district is to ensure our teachers and students have the hardware, software, training, and technology support they need to use those tools with confidence. Harnessing the power of technology within classrooms at each grade level provides immense opportunities for growth and it is towards that end that we seek to ensure our district has one device for each student.
Thanks to the generous support of our school board members and the greater Owasso community with the continued approval and passing of bond issues, we have made the following purchases towards achieving that goal:
- Dell laptops for teachers: 750
- District Chromebooks: 8000+
- Grades 6 - 12: Each student is assigned an OPS Chromebook for school/home use
- Grades 3 - 5: Each student has access to an OPS Chromebook at school
- Grades K -2: Each grade level has access to some OPS iPads and Chromebooks at school
- Grades 6 - 12: Each student is assigned an OPS Chromebook for school/home use
- Insurance program: A low-cost policy to cover the repair or replacement of their devices may be purchased for student Chromebooks in grades 6-12. More information may be found here.
- Chrome Depot repair program: Designated sites at the elementary, middle, and high school levels provide loaner computers for students, as needed, while repairs are made to ensure learning may continue.
- We are a G-Suite for Education district which ensures continuity of instruction in grades PreK-12 whether students are learning face-to-face or remotely.
- Quality instruction and best practices are our focus as we seek to integrate educational technology which will support our learning goals for students.
Professional Development
- To reinforce our district’s commitment to future-ready instruction, we employ a district coordinator who stays abreast of current trends and issues in instructional technology, provides training in technology integration and hybrid instruction, and leads a site-level team of professionals in supporting teachers’ technology goals.
- Each August, October, and January, teachers district-wide participate in professional development to strengthen their craft. Educational technology sessions are offered during this time to equip teachers with the skills and strategies necessary for deepening student learning.
- Teachers also seek out individual training opportunities throughout the year in such areas as coding, robotics, and web design, among others.
Technology Support
- To ensure our 1:1 program has the infrastructure in place necessary for our growing district, our Director of Technology leads a team of twelve professionals who are responsible for database management, server maintenance, Help Desk operations, and on-site hardware and software support. More information about their team may be found here.
Investing in technology through such an ambitious 1:1 initiative demonstrates our commitment as a district to preparing our students well for life beyond the classroom.