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Off Campus PE Credit Requirements

The following is a list of basic requirements that have been established by Owasso Public Schools. These requirements must be met and maintained to be eligible for participation in the program.

  1. The purpose of the program is to accommodate students who are making a serious effort to develop high-level capabilities and to allow them to be involved in an off-campus program that provides training exceeding that offered in the school district.
  2. Off-Campus physical activity programs will be approved for only those students who have been recommended by qualified instructors.
  3. Only those students in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) will be eligible for consideration for the off campus program.
  4. Only those students involved in the activities of DANCE, GYMNASTICS, ICE HOCKEY, ICE SKATING, LACROSSE, and MARTIAL ARTS will be considered. Exceptions could be considered if a student is nationally ranked in an elite class of their activity.
  5. Students applying for Off-Campus Physical Education will be considered only if their programs involve a minimum of fifteen (15) hours per week of professionally supervised training. Students qualifying may be dismissed from school one period per day for such participation.

    Please Note: Students participating in this program may receive a maximum of one-half credit per semester.
  6.  All such participation must always be under the direct supervision of the instructor. Competitions do not count towards practice hours.

After reading and confirming that you meet these requirements, please print and complete the application. Once completed, please submit it to your assistant principal's office.