Q - Are the courses offered inside of Edgenuity NCAA approved?
A - Ask your child's counselor.
Q - Who is my teacher of record?
A- Your teacher of record is listed on this website in the "Teachers of Record" section. Students can also see their teacher of record in the announcements on their dashboard.
Q - I have emailed the teacher of record within Edgenuity and have not gotten a response.
A - Please use the school's email when contacting teachers. The email within Edgenuity does not give alerts that your teacher has mail. Teachers utilize their school email every class period so they will give you a more timely response through those communications.
Q - Where do I go if I am having issues with my Chromebook?
A - Chromebook support for the HS is located on the West Campus in room 49. Each school site has its own Chromebook support called the Chromebook Depot.
Please contact your school building.
Q - What if I need help with my class?
A - First, students should contact their teacher of record to determine tutoring times or with specific content questions. Tutoring is available through other school programs, please contact your counselor for times and locations.
Q - Can I use Virtual classes to graduate early?
A - Yes; students may take additional classes beyond their 6 period day through Summer School or via Tulsa Tech's Success Centers. Please figure out why you are wanting to graduate early before pursuing this option. There are not a lot of benefits to finishing early unless you will be 18 when you graduate. Also, if you do not follow through with graduating early, you may be taking lots of extra classes because all OHS students must be full-time (6 classes; RAM excluded).
Q - Can I work beyond my targeted completion?
A - It is always encouraged that students work beyond their target completion so that when we don't have school or have holiday breaks they do not fall behind.
Q - What is the difference between first-time credit courses and credit recovery courses?
A - The classes are identical with one exception, first-time credit courses must be completed in their entirety, but credit recovery courses offer students pretests. If completed successfully, pretests allow students to test out of the lesson before viewing the content. This may result in a shorter course if the student can show content mastery on pretests. Credit Recovery courses are available for required Core classes only. There are not elective or core-elective credit recovery courses.
Q - How long are virtual courses?
A - First-time credit courses on average are approximately 40-75 hours in length while credit recovery courses may be shorter if the student can show mastery in the content. Most courses are designed to be completed in 9-14 weeks.
Q - What if I do not finish my Virtual class by the due date?
A - Virtual classes are on the same academic calendar as all classes in OPS and will end prior to semester test dates (usually the last day before Finals). Summer school and Grad Lab courses end the same day. These end dates are subject to change.
Q - How does eligibility work for Virtual students?
A - It is important to understand that the grade book that is utilized in Edgenuity is not linked to Power School, which is where grades are stored for permanent records and eligibility is pulled from. Grades are entered once a week into Power School by the teacher of record. Night School and Summer School courses are not considered for eligibility.
Q - Can I take more than one course in Night School or Summer School?
A - Yes and No; Each Night or Summer School session is dependent on enrollment, staffing, and dates. The sessions are typically 6 weeks long. In some cases students may have up to two courses active. Again this is determinant on the resources available.
Q - What are the Pro's and Con's of Virtual School?
A - Pro's: flexibility and freedom in a student's schedule, consistency within each course, enhances organizational skills via eNotes, credit recovery, courses are aligned with Oklahoma Academic Standards, weekly updates sent to parents via email, opportunity to learn from different instructors who are experts in their content areas, allows students to stay caught up with their coursework 24/7.
Con's: virtual school requires students to be motivated and self-paced, virtual classes are not a substitution for non-attendance, bad habits can be magnified (procrastination, inattentiveness, academic dishonesty), students can get behind quickly if they do not work, there is a disconnect from the relationship with their teacher (this can be avoided if students stay in contact with their teacher of record), requires consistent internet connection.
Q - How is attendance taken for virtual students?
A - Attendance is determined by administration prior to the start of the semester. Students who are not actively working will be counted absent for the entire week, not daily like in-person classes.
Q - Can virtual students participate in school activities?
A - The simple answer is Yes. Virtual students must still meet all eligibility requirements for the school and state. Some school activities may require that the student be enrolled within that activity during the school day. It is best to speak to the activity sponsor or teacher for specific program rules.
Q - What if my student is an English Language Learner?
A - Edgenuity has over 60+ available language translations for their courseware. Read aloud options include Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.