Parent and Student Information
- Login Information
- Start and End Dates
- Attendance
- Course Length
- Progress Reports
- Progress
- Eligibility
- Extracurricular Activities
- Tutoring /Assistance
- Technology
- Uploading Work
- Data
- Grades
- Finals
- Academic Honesty
Login Information
Username: Normally a student's full school email address. A student's email is their first name initial, their last name initial, then their student ID number followed by Ex:
Password: Sent to student via email prior to start of course.
Edgenuity server status:
- CLEVER Login: Students are encouraged to utilize their CLEVER Login. Once you log into your school device, you may use the bookmark from your browser to go directly to your CLEVER dashboard. If you are not on a school device you may access and log in using the same username and password they use for their Chromebook. The CLEVER dashboard has many resources for students including email, access to teacher sites, all software available to students, and shortcuts to programs like Edgenuity.
Start and End Dates
The start date for the Fall Edgenuity courses is August 15th (or when the course is activated) and coursework should be completed December 18th at 3:00 PM. Students who do not opt in by the District deadline of August 1st may start later.
The end date for the Fall Edgenuity courses is December 20th but because the last two days of the semester are reserved for final examinations we need students to be done with all coursework except their Final examination (when applicable). This will also give our counselors time to see Virtual grades to plan for the Spring semester. Students may take the Virtual final examinations early if they have progressed enough in the course to open them. Coursework completed after December 15th at 3:00 PM that has to be hand graded by the teacher may not be graded and the student will receive a "0" for those assignments. Courses will remain open after December 15th but will be deactivated on December 19th at 3:00 PM.
The start date for the Spring Edgenuity courses is January 7th if the information is sent from the student's building in a timely manner. If not, the start date will be when the courses are activated.
The end date for the Spring Edgenuity courses is May 23rd. The last days of the semester are reserved for final examinations. Students may take the Virtual final examinations early if they have progressed enough in the course to open them. Coursework completed after May 21st at 3:00 PM that has to be hand graded by the teacher may not be graded and the student will receive a "0" for those assignments. Courses will remain open after May 21st but will be deactivated on May 23rd at 3:00 PM.
Attendance is taken for Virtual Students. Parents and Students will see the code VA (Absence Virtual) inside of Power School. Attendance is calculated for the previous week on the first or second day of the next week. Students should have logged two (2) hours of active time per class each week. Full-time students have a minimum active time of ten (10) hours each full week of school. Shorter weeks require two (2) fewer hours for each day we are not in school. If a student has not met their progress goal for the week, they will be counted absent in all Virtual classes starting Monday and moving forward each day for each 2 hours missed.
If a student has ten (10) consecutive days of absences, then they will be dropped for not meeting progress goals and the student will have to re-enroll at the Enrollment Center. Students and parents will receive an email if the student is being counted absent. If a student does not meet their goals for the week after receiving an absence email, they will be dropped. Absences are not recorded for students who are on target with their progress, even if they have not met their weekly time goals.
Course Length
Courses are designed to be approximately 10-12 weeks long based on 45 minutes per school day. The reason they are not a full 18 weeks is that there is no "downtime" in Edgenuity. During a regular school day, there are passing periods, assemblies, events, and other necessary activities that do take away from class time. None of this time occurs in the Edgenuity program. The courses in Edgenuity are specifically designed for Oklahoma students. All Oklahoma Academic Standards are presented. Extended time is built into the program, not logging in is not grounds for extended time. Edgenuity is not affected by inclement weather as students may log in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Extensions will not be granted when school is closed during the term.
Progress Reports
Progress reports are sent daily (weekly upon request). Progress reports will include the courses, their current Actual grade (grade based on work completed and progress ratio), start and end dates, current progress, and the target progress. Make sure that these reports are not stopped by your email filters or spam filters.
All courses have a target progress. Consider this an accumulation of all the tasks and assignments that should be done on or by a certain date. Students who fall behind their target progress are temporarily penalized (just like in a regular classroom) for the work they have not completed on time. This penalty is removed once the work is completed and the student is up-to-date on their daily progress. Unlike the regular classroom, there is not a penalty for late work, just incomplete or unfinished work. Students should do their best to complete the assignments that are due on their Course Report to avoid a lower grade being reflected in Power School.
Eligibility is done the same way as a regular classroom. The only difference is that Edgenuity grades are not automatically imported into PowerSchool where eligibility is taken from. Teachers will enter grades once per week for eligibility. Until final grades are submitted, a teacher may not enter a grade for the week if it is the same letter grade (a B is a B and an A is an A). Parents still receive weekly or daily progress reports to monitor progress. Parents also have their student's log-in information and can always check it anytime they want.
Extracurricular Activities
Tutoring /Assistance
Students should contact their teacher of record. Teachers of record are found on the virtual school page, there is a reminder of this on the Edgenuity dashboard, and your teacher has more than likely reached out to you as well. Teachers will assist students in their course via email, phone, or video chat. Please reach out to them, they are there to help! Students should use their school email and contact teachers via their school email. DO NOT USE THE EMAIL FUNCTION INSIDE OF EDGENUITY. Students also have access to the "Chat with Tutor" option inside most courses. Some electives do not have this feature.
If a student is having a technology issue, please troubleshoot all the things on your end before contacting your teacher. If you are having issues connecting, please visit to see if there are any issues first. Most of the time it is connectivity related and disconnecting the device from wifi or restarting the device often works. Closing all browsers and then opening a fresh browser then immediately clearing the browser's history, cache, and cookies resolves "stuck" issues with the program. If this does not work please contact your teacher and they will work with you and determine the best course of action. High traffic times will cause slowdowns and continuously resubmitting a request will just slow the process.
If you are having issues with your Chromebook then students will need to contact their home school and ask for Chromebook support. Chromebook support is not handled through the Virtual Program. If a student is stuck on an assignment, the easiest way to fix that is to close the browser, then open a new browser and clear your browser history, cache, and cookies via the settings area of the browser.
Uploading Work
Edgenuity accepts most Microsoft Office documents and PDF files. There are a few other formats as well. You can see the acceptable file formats listed next to the upload area of the assignment. One of the easiest ways to convert or save a file in an acceptable format is using the Print feature on your computer. When you attempt to print the document or picture that you want to upload, you can get an option to pick the destination. One of the options is "Save as a PDF". Choose that and save it, then upload it.
Students may not have duplicate active sessions while using Edgenuity. Attempting to have multiple web browsers open and logging in may cause the previous assignment from the other session to not store (only the last completed assignment, if it was submitted and accepted, it will be stored). Please only log in once and log out when your session is done. Data and work submitted cannot be lost, damaged, or corrupted. There are independent, redundant measures put into place to make losing work improbably and stored data cannot be lost. Session Logs and Course Reports are evaluated routinely to ensure accuracy.
Edgenuity grades will be entered once a week by the teacher of record for eligibility. The grade displayed by PowerSchool is not synced with Edgenuity. Students may track their grade inside the program and parents may see their students grade and progress through emailed daily reports (tip: Make sure these are not sent to a SPAM folder). Students will receive a grade for each class if they have completed enough of the course. If administration has determined that the student has not completed enough of the course, the student will receive a No Credit on their transcript. No Credit courses are not eligible for Credit Recovery courses because the student has not been presented the material to qualify for that course. The Relative Grade will be the student's final grade in a course.
Final semester exams are built into Edgenuity courses, when applicable. Virtual course Final Examinations may NOT be exempted. They are weighted at 15%, per Board of Education policy, and are typically 50 multiple-choice questions. Finals may be taken early if the student reaches them before the end date of the course. The last 2 days of the semester the student has "free" movement in the courses to skip ahead and take the Final Exam for their courses, regardless of where they are in the course. The student can click any item on their course map to jump to that assignment, quiz, test, or exam. The Final Exam will not be in the Exam category in Power School, but will be part of the assignment category that is normally used for Virtual students. The Final Semester grade will be the Relative Grade in Edgenuity.
Academic Honesty
A student's moral awareness, as it applies to the academic environment, is critical to his/her success at OHS and in the future. Academic honesty requires that students produce work that is their own. In contrast, academic dishonesty is a student's attempt to claim and show possession of knowledge and/or skills that he or she does not possess. It is our desire that every graduate is prepared to tackle any challenge he/she faces after leaving our school. Taking a shortcut to arrive at an answer that was not generated by the student’s own effort inevitably places the student at a disadvantage.
Listed below are some examples of academic dishonesty we are attempting to address with this policy.
Using dishonest, deceptive or fraudulent means to obtain or attempt to obtain credit for academic work. This includes altering or creating misleading Progress Reports, Dashboard pics, or attempting to falsely misrepresent active time.
Using tools to complete an assignment or test that have not been previously approved by the teacher. This includes Artificial Intelligence applications like Chat GPT or other open AI programs.
Looking at another student's test, answer sheet, or other materials.
Talking during a test. The teacher cannot be expected to determine the content of a private conversation between students, therefore, all talking during tests is considered cheating.
Copying from or allowing another student to copy from a test, homework, or other coursework which is not intended to be collaborative in nature.
Tampering with an instructor's records of grades or scores.
Abusing the privilege of Internet access as stated in Owasso High School's Policy for “Use of the Internet”.
Accessing, deleting, modifying, transferring, or receiving of computerized files without authorization of the teacher. Although a student may authorize another student to copy or transfer electronic files, this action is considered cheating if effected without teacher permission.
Plagiarizing materials. Copying another person’s work and claiming it as one’s own.
Students found in violation of this policy will receive a zero on their assignment and will not be allowed to make up the assignment. Disciplinary referrals may occur as well. Using a third-party program will result in your removal from Virtual School. Edgenuity can track third-party programs such as Edgentweaks and other newer extensions. Students will not be allowed to make up assignments to raise their grade if they fail the course because of academic honesty. Some courses, such as English, have their "Essay" category weighted as much as other categories. Plagiarizing your written assignments will contribute heavily to failed grades, so please do your own work.