October Employees of the Month

These individuals routinely go above and beyond to make a positive impact on their school building or department. Thank you for all that you do!


October Employees of the Month

Darla Brown - Ator Elementary

Melissa LeMaster - Bailey Elementary

Heidi Stark - Barnes Elementary

Kim Score - Hodson Elementary

Stefanie Gaddy - Mills Elementary

Stefanie Rock - Morrow Elementary

Brooke Grant - Northeast Elementary 

Laura Yokley - Smith Elementary

Meshelle Barnhart - Stone Canyon Elementary

Michael Kendall - 6th Grade Center

Jamie Fleming - 7th Grade Center

Melissa Beck - 8th Grade Center

Chad Thompson - Ram Academy

Jane Wilson - OHS West Campus

Kyla Dennison - OHS East Campus

Evelyn Bryan - ESC

Stephen Wood - Operations/Maintenance

Clark Mathews - Transportation